Recruitment Service (For companies)
Registration is currently limited to companies with established businesses in Japan.
Recruitment Service by Remar Pro Ltd.

Remar Pro is Matching

Job Seekers
Recruiting Companies

We understand that advertising is costly, so we are doing our best to provide the best matches.
We will introduce suitable Job Seekers according to your requests.
We will use your requirements for filtering the best matches. Whether it be skills, experience, age etc.


We at Remar Pro have created a "human resources think tank", and based on expertize and know-how our strongest focus is:

Foreign labour
IT technicians
Senior part time workers (accounting etc.)

About pricing

We at Remar Pro are in the highest interest of preserving a long-term relationship with our client companies, therefore we have created a simple recruiting fee system.

Employment success fees - Price estimates will be given in advance.
*Easily explained as "emplyment success fee", normally companies like this will charge 30-40% of the employed person's annual income. However, we charge 20-30% depending on degrees of difficulty etc..
By using this system, we would like to meet the client company to discuss the requirements and then provide the company with profiles of Job Seekers matching those requirements. When suitable matches have been made, we will set up interviews between the client company and the Job Seekers.

After the interviews we will help with narrowing down the candidates.

If everything goes as planned

We will then charge the client company after the employed person has started working, similar to normal job information magazines.

"Even though we haven't got any matches we still have to pay."
"We have only had interviews with people unfit for the job! Are you doing this deliberately?"

To put it simply, no. Using this payment system, you will not have to pay if we haven't been able to find a suitable person to employ. Also, we are using our expertise to eliminate the possibility of mismatches as much as possible.

Flow chart

First, contact us by clicking HERE
We will then search for suitable Job Seekers matching your requirements. (This might take a few days)
We will inform you when we have found a suitable person...
...and then show you their profiles.
*You are free to browse the site yourself for suitable matches.
Contact us if you are interested in having an interview with any of the matches.
We will then confirm with the Job Seeker if he/she is interested.
If we get an OK from both parts we will start planning for the interview.
The interview.
After the interview, please contact us whether you would like to employ the Job Seeker or not.
We will start preparing the necessary documents as soon as both parts have given their consent.
The Job Seeker can now start working for you.
The employment success fee is to be paid 30 days after the Job Seeker as started working.
*For whatever reason, if the employed person quits within 30 days, we will refund 50% of the fee.

Additional information

*Unlike normal recruitment services, emoloyment contracts will be between the the employer and the employee.

*After employment the labor law of Japan will apply.

*There is no contract between the Job Seeker and us (except for the Terms & Conditions agreed upon when registering). We will have an interview with recruitment company before receiving payment, to ensure that trouble will not ensure during and after employment. We do not take any responsibility for problems occurring during and after employment.

□Cancelling an employment contract
 If the employee quits the job within 30 days after employment date, we will return 50% of the recruitment success fee.
 We do not take responsibility for any fees having to be returned if the employee quits after 30 days of employment.

□When to pay
 The recruiting company is expected to pay when placing when placing an advertisement order, not when a suitable Job Seeker has been found.
  Recruitment success fee:
Deciding an advertisement, placing order
Checking the details
Pay according to price agreed upon

    We also ask the recruiting company to carefully go over the details to eliminate the possibility of trouble in the future.

What is recruitment referral business?

If you want to know more, please check out the site for the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

>>> Business management guidelines according to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Remar Pro Ltd.